Here are some a few suggestions for your jewelry and gemstones To retain their natural color and shine.
* Keep your jewelry separate.Gemstones and jewelry can also be scratched.To prevent scratching,store each of your jewelry and stone bu wrapping them in a separate cloth, so that you prevent scratches caused by friction.
* Clean your gemstones often;dirt , dust, oil from your skin.It kills the natural shine your diamonds. You can wash the diamonds with soap and water , and rinse them with a tumble dryer or a soft cloth
* Protect your metal jewelry from scratches: gentle on metal jewelry such as gold.
* Set the cleaning and maintenance time of your jewelry : Annual maintenance and cleaning time schedule will make your jewelry last longer
Mücevherlerinizin ve değerli taşlarınızın doğal renk ve parlaklığını koruması için birkaç öneri: